Saturday, January 25, 2020

Strategies to Prevent Cyber Crime

Strategies to Prevent Cyber Crime Andrew Rayner Cyber Crime: Preventing the Horrific Crimes on the Internet In today’s society, there are many aspects of crime committed on a regular basis. Civilians take advantage of people using online resources such as a fraudulent website requiring credit card information to get a free monthly trial. Other venues that may contain a potential for cyber crimes are online chatting websites, full of predators or websites requiring a downloadable program that contains a hacking virus. Sadly, there are many cases of cyber crime populating the internet. Acts of cyber crimes are considered violent acts like any other. Every day, citizens are constantly losing money and being victimized due to a variety fraudulent activities. Cyber crime, including fraud, identity theft, stalking, and hacking, is a growing problem which can be prevented by taking the proper precautions. The biggest case of cyber crimes are cases of fraud. â€Å"Online fraud comes in many forms. It ranges from viruses that attack computers with the goal of retrieving personal information, to email schemes that lure victims into wiring money to fraudulent sources† (What is â€Å"online fraud†). When browsing the internet, people will stumble upon websites offering a free trial. Some of these websites are real, but many are fake. Real examples can include ones like Netflix, Hulu, or Amazon Prime. A fake website, such as one offering too great of a deal often contains attempts of fraud, to gain access to credit card information. Another way of committing fraud is by sending fake emails to Craigslist advertisers make the victim think that he/she is getting a great deal. This type of fraud has to do with shipping. Criminals respond to Craigslist advertisements pretending to be a company such as PayPal, saying that the money is being held until the victim replies to the email with a valid tracking number. When the victims gives the requested information, the criminal ignores the victim and takes their money. Protection against offenders requires cautionary steps. â€Å"Perpetrators act as hackers who intercept personal information while victims are online, either through website entry or through phony [emails] in which they disguise themselves as legitimate firms attracting victims to do business with them† (Dyke 3). Keeping personal information secure on the internet is vital for any person’s safety. Never give out credit card information online to any company unless the company is verified. One way of checking for authenticity is to see if the websites has a verification certificate. These certificates cant be given to any website unless it is approved to take vital information. This is a safe way of making sure credit card information is not given to anyone who might steal it. Although they don’t take credit cards, when dealing on Craigslist, never ship anything, for any reason, as this is a scam; instead, the deal should be handled in person. There is no safe way on the internet to ship any item between private parties, so it is best to avoid anyone wanting to work with shipping or money shipments. Anyone can use a credit card number online without a tangible card. Keeping credit card details safe is important when dealing online. Only give credit card information to a website if that the website is certified to take a card. Almost any credit card will have bank protection when purchasing virtual goods, but it is important to make sure card information is not given to an unknown or untrusted website. Many scam websites will have a fake certification seal to verify that the website is real, the seal should link to a valid certification location. A form of cyber crime involving personal information is identity theft. When browsing the internet, people often come across ads that supposedly allow the user to win an iPad or other expensive device when completing a survey. This is a scam and is never a valid offer. These surveys require the user to input personal information such as an address, email, phone number, and name. This is a common method to steal identities. People may also come across a practice of identity theft such as Free-Credit-Score websites. These websites will ask for every bit of personal information including a social security number. A common victim pool is false advertising on Craigslist such as a fake job offer. Social engineers are predators who prey on victims to get personal information resulting in a scam, or even worse, identity theft. Do not deal with anyone on Craigslist when trying to find a friend to chat with. They often are cyber thieves wanting every bit of information to use to their advantage. To prevent identity theft, never give personal information to any website or any person unless that website can is trusted. Some common websites that are trustable are PayPal, Amazon, Squirll, and verified bank websites. These sites all have approved certifications seals. Normally this is checkable by looking to the left of the URL (Website Address) for a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) installation, which is indicated by a lock icon. Having stalkers outside of the web is dangerous, but because of advancements in technology, the internet is full of cyber stalkers as well. â€Å"A cyberstalker only needs access to a computer and a modem. Due to the enormous amount of personal information available through the internet, a cyberstalker can easily locate private information about a potential victim with a few mouse clicks or key stokes† (Cyberstalking). Many websites on the internet offer instant messaging. A few examples are Omegle, Craigslist, and teen chat rooms. These rooms are normally a hangout for predators. The predators will act as someone they arent to try and convince victims to like them, resulting in giving them personal details. Chatting sites are extremely dangerous, and it is imperative that chat rooms are avoided to prevent a perpetrator finding you outside of the internet. Social sites such as Facebook, Myspace, and Twitter are also websites that require caution when using. Creating an account on these websites require no identification possibly resulting in the predator disguising as someone they arent such as a relative or friend. Never give information to anyone online in a chatting program such as Skype or instant messaging system. Putting information online having to do with personal information is never a good idea even if it is Facebook or other websites such as Google+. Cyber stalkers are normally found on chat websites and social media websites. It is important to always exercise caution for protection when speaking to anyone online, no matter the situation because of the dangers. â€Å"Cyberstalking is just as frightening and potentially dangerous as a stalker at the victim’s front door† (Cyberstalking 2). The biggest form of cyber crime is hacking for malicious reasons or personal gain. â€Å"There are some career criminals who steal by electronic means. This small group poses a large problem for society, but it’s not a new one. Thieves are thieves† (Harvey 2). There are thousands of people on the internet trying to hack for gain on a daily basis. This is done through key loggers, Remote Administration Tools (R.A.T.S), and other types of malicious software. These are normally found within an executable file (.exe). These viruses will infect computers and try to steal information such as logins to websites, credit card information in files, or any type of person information. Many kids and some adults fall for this scam on a daily basis. When trying to find a premium code for a service such as Xbox Live or Spotify, people will come across a multitude of websites that give them instruction to complete a survey to unlock a premium code. These are not real. Do not download anything from a survey. Surveys will ask for permission to download a program to unlock the file which supposedly contains the free premium code for such service. Normally these programs are prone to contain an infected type of file, forcing advertisements and malicious software onto a computer. The last major type of virus is a phony antivirus program. When attempting to download a program to help fix an infected computer, normally the user results in having more remotely downloaded viruses. Instead of stealing information or logging computers, these viruses are typically used to force people to purchase the antivirus software to make the annoying virus go away. These are also used to lock ones computer and make him or her pay to have it unlocked. These viruses normally are the worst kind because they are so hard to remove from an infected machine, and scare the unknowing victim. Trustworthy programs are normally anything from trusted developers, such as Microsoft or Adobe. However, there are plenty of trustworthy ones on the internet. To determine if the websites/programs are trustworthy, check the SSL on the website from which the program is being downloaded, which means it is certified. If ever unsure about a program, websites such as Virus Total can scan the program for infections. These websites scan files for anything malicious. If any sort of malicious viruses are found, it will notify the user before the computer decides to run the file. Most of the time anything having to do with a bot, survey, free cracked program contains a virus. There is no reason to download any program having to do with a free item, which will completely prevent someone from being infected. These crimes are a few of the dangers on the internet. To provide full safety, never give personal information to dubious-looking website, download programs that are not trustworthy, speak to anybody on the internet unless positive of their identity, and never for any reason, try to get something for free that costs. These things are the most common type of cyber crimes people see on a daily basis. Although the internet is a great source for making money in legal ways, it can also be used for plenty of malicious black market money scams. It is imperative to carefully browse the internet when downloading programs, and talking to people online. Works Cited Cyberstalking. Marshall University. Marshall University, n.d. Web. 25 Jan. 2014. Dyke, Van, and Albrecht W. Identity Theft. U of NEBRASKA–LINCOLN. U of NEBRASKA–LINCOLN, n.d. Web. 26 Jan. 2014. Harvey, Brian.Computer Hacking and Ethics. Ed. Paul Goodman, P.G. Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences. U of California, Berkeley, n.d. Web. 25 Jan. 2014. What is â€Å"online fraud†? National Crime Victim Law Institute. Lewis Clark, 27 July 2010. Web. 24 Jan. 2014.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Education and Recess Essay

Since public schools have started recess it has been set in place to allow students time to express their energy, become active and socialize. Although within the past years, most schools have removed recess from their schedules. School administrators argue that recess wastes time, causes problems and is dangerous. But it is actually a good thing for students. In most schools, the average school day is about eight hours long. During the elementary school year especially, students are bursting with energy that causes their minds to wander. Recess is a great way to allow students to wind down and expel some of their pent-up energy. Also during this time it was usually the teacher who went outside with the class. So while the kids are taking a breather the teachers can too. A growing problem in America today is obesity. Many school cafeterias have switched to a healthier menu and schools have removed snack machines, in an attempt to improve students eating habits and weight. Meanwhile, the same school boards are removing recess from their schedules As a result, obesity rates have tripled in the past forty years. School administrators believe that recess is not needed because the students are required to take Physical Education. Although P.E. is physically active it does not give students many options. Students are graded on their performance and participation so P.E. is not much of a relax and recoup time. In school, it is important for students to develop necessary social skills. In class, students are unable to communicate because they are busy doing their work. Recess allows students to develop relationships, experience and deal with confrontations and learn about other people. These skills will be extremely important in almost every job. You may have noticed all of the big time business men or woman, and they got that job by being a good people person. That’s because when they were kids, recess was an every day thing. In conclusion, recess should be a thing student’s experience everyday. It should be something students think back on as adults and think of how it helped them. If schools go on with out recess for too much longer the obesity and people skills of the future could not be good. If I ever become  an important member of the school board you know what my vote for recess is going to be. What’s yours?

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Howard Pyle vs. Edwin Austin Abbey Style and Art - 851 Words

Background Howard Pyle (1853-1911) was an American illustrator and author who primarily specialized in books for younger readers. He taught illustration, founded his own school, and produced a number of famous students. One of his classic publications was The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood, but he remains well known for his four-volume set on King Arthur and on his illustrations of pirates, which have become iconic in popular culture (May and May). In fact, one contemporary art critic notes: He created something out of mixing something from history and made something very seductive. So seductive that no pirate ever wore anything differently. When one person can change the worlds view of something thats remarkable. All the world only recognizes pirates because of Howard Pyle (Crimmins). Pyles Art and Style- Pyle was realistic in his works, in the sense of creating images that told stories and were less interpretive and more illustrative. For example, there were few pirate drawing that were authentic, so Pyle invented the look a more romantic view that tends to be emulated in movies for costumes of Johnny Depp and Errol Flynn. Stylistically, Pyle used a number of stereotypical Gypsy elements (cape, earrings, long pants, flowing shirts), that may look iconic and romantic, but would be quite impractical for working sailors (Crimmins). Pyle, however, cannot be seen as just an illustrator. His numerous books were the type of rather predictable, romantic versions of some

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Alcohol Prohibition in the United States - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 523 Downloads: 9 Date added: 2019/07/03 Category Society Essay Level High school Tags: Prohibition Essay Did you like this example? It has been quite a few years since the breaking news of prohibition was announced. In summary of what has occurred lately, in 1919, the 18th Amendment was passed, which prohibited the production, transportation, and sale of any type of alcohol in the United States but did not prevent the drinking of said alcohol. This created a demand for an illicit supply of booze. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Alcohol Prohibition in the United States" essay for you Create order Organizations such as The Anti-Saloon League and The Temperance Movement have been working to pass Prohibition since the early 20th century. The Anti-Saloon League was founded in 1893. It used church services to promote the cause and soon became one of the most important temperance administrations. The league supported candidates solely based on whether they supported Prohibition and was most interested in legislative results. The Temperance Movement was a social movement that fought for restraint in the consumption of intoxicating drinks and encouraged complete abstinence. Many of societys faults, such as health problems, crime, and poverty, were blamed on alcohol, so the temperance movement worked against alcohol consumption to fix these issues. Thus, through the thought that that no drinking would improve moral behavior by reducing corruption, solving various social problems and improving health in America, the Prohibition Era was launched. However, it did just the opposite of that, causing an increase in crimes and in criminal behavior. Since, the demand for liquor is so high right now, people are going to extremes to find it. Prohibition has contributed to more and more organized crime in major cities. Some people have been attempting to make their own alcoholic beverages. Unfortunately, these people are inexperienced, and didnt know anything about the production of alcohol, which has led to many deat hs due to alcohol poisoning. Many people go to numerous speakeasies, which are hidden saloons and nightclubs that have been installed throughout the country and are becoming more and more fashionable. They are run by mostly criminals and kept secret. Since buying alcohol is illegal unless it is for religious or medical purposes, people distill the liquor themselves or they buy prescription alcohol and/or sacramental wine. Bootlegging is another way criminals have been obtaining illegal alcohol. Bootlegging is the prohibited smuggling of liquor where such transportation is forbidden. This issue has been rapidly growing to the point of gangs controlling an entire local bootlegging business and its transportation of different drinks. These bootleggers and gang members transport the alcohol to restaurants, speakeasies, nightclubs, and other retail outlets. Also, Prohibition has led to regular drinkers switching to dangerous drugs such as marijuana, opium, cocaine, and others that they would have unlikely come across during the lack of Prohibition. One of the main criminals the prohibition of alcohol has influenced is Al Capone. Al Capone, known by the nickname ScarFace is a rising lawbreaker who controls the Chicago liquor business b y killing his competitors. He joined a gang when he was in the sixth grade and has been an active member since. He views the illegal brewing of alcohol and the distilling and distribution of beer and liquor, as growth industries. The scandals he has been involved in have spawned from the 18th Amendment.